
modes of operation

For LateXSL to work, the transformation language XSLT must be available.

The simplest way to get XSLT is for the reader to use a modern Web browser, many of which have XSLT built-in.

However, if your Web server supports XSLT, the processing can be done on the server side. The advantage of this approach is that your reader could use an older browser to view the documents. (However, the advantage isn’t so great: most older browsers that don’t support XSLT also don’t support the requisite CSS, and so will make a mess of it anyway.)

Another way to use LateXSL is to pre-process the input XML files, and only place the resulting HTML files on the Web site. This requires the minimum technology of the reader and the Web server, but takes an extra step on the part of the author, each time a change is made. See below.


other helpful software

Amaya is useful for checking for proper XHTML syntax.

On Linux and Unix-based systems, there are several stand-alone XSLT processors, which are really useful for debugging. See the Makefile for examples of

xsltproc: to validate files without downloading from the network, local copies must be installed on the system. These are typically in /etc/xml, listed in the file catalog. It may be necessary to install special packages to get them to work.

building HTML files

The Makefile is provided to show how one might do XSLT pre-processing. It isn’t necessary for the use of the LateXSL software. As it is, it is useful only on Unix-like systems.

If you type


it will build the example files from the examples/ directory and put the resulting HTML files in the html/ directory.

This pre-processing is really useful for debugging, but also, you might want to pre-process your documents to deliver simple HTML to your readers. You could do that by modifying the Makefile.